Making jam is a summertime tradition. But last year my sister mentioned making Christmas Jam at the Holiday time to give as gifts. Never having heard of Christmas Jam, my interest was piqued. I quickly looked up recipes and gave it a go. The jam contains strawberries, cranberries, oranges and spices. It was especially enjoyed …
Pecan Spice Cookies
Temperatures inevitably turn crisp and chilly this time of year, trees lose their leaves, and we find ourselves drawn to the warm spices of Autumn, bringing a comfort to our senses as we exchange seasons. Some call it the season of “Pumpkin Spice”. But pumpkin doesn’t always attend these spices, as this recipe for Pecan …
Harvest Loaf Bread
Pumpkin Spice season is here. The warm spices of fall baking are always welcome! And this bread with its combination of spices and the inclusion of pumpkin (or sweet potato, as I use), apples and carrots is a winner. It’s super moist and flavorful…and it’s good for you too. I love to bake this bread …
Peanut Butter Ganache Bars
For not liking peanuts or peanut butter, my daughter (Eva) makes fabulous Peanut Butter Ganache Bars. She is also known for making peanut butter pie, but that’s for another day. Peanut butter and chocolate are famous companions. In this recipe the graham crackers contribute a stable texture and crunch, perfect for the velvety smooth layer …
Cherry Pie
What is the best thing to put in a pie? Your teeth. But some people think it’s cherries…including Tom, who just so happens to have a birthday this month and has been known to request cherry pie for the occasion. Tart cherries make especially good pies, but sweet cherries work too, and you can use …
Homemade Raspberry Jam
In the Pacific Northwest, I equated hot summer nights in July with making fresh berry jams. With the box fan in the back screen door, I spent hours over steaming hot pots, stirring down the bubbling jam. The hot, sticky job filled the air with a pleasingly, fragrant intensity. The benefits of air conditioning don’t …
Grilled Veggies
Warm, sunny weather and outdoor grilling go perfectly together. Whether sizzling up steaks, chicken, burgers, or spending hours smoking meats, there’s nothing like pulling meat hot off the grill, ready to join side dishes at the table. One of our favorite side dishes takes advantage of the already hot grill…skewered vegetables. Grilled shish kabobs, where …
Instant Pot Risotto
About a year ago my sister and I were talking , and she mentioned she likes to order risotto in a restaurant because she doesn’t make it at home. Same for me! I had a recipe for risotto once. Reading through the process, it seemed intimidating. Slowly stirring the rice and broth while it simmered …
Grilled Cheese & Greens Sandwiches
I’ve always loved spinach, in any form. But finding a way my family thought it was palatable was another story. A number of years ago I started sautéing spinach with garlic, and that was a winner. When I found a recipe for sautéing greens, and adding them to a grilled cheese sandwich, I had a …
April Fool’s Day Brownies
When I share recipes with you, I consider the month and season. Salads in the summer; heavier meal items in the winter. Apples, sweet potatoes and cranberries are great in the Fall, and what’s December without some sort of sweet treat? Though I don’t really celebrate a traditional St. Patrick’s Day, March is great for …
Chicken Parmigiana
Chicken Parmigiana is a classic Italian dish and my family always looks forward to this meal! The ingredients are simple, but I won’t lie, it’s not a quick-put-together. There are multiple steps in preparing the simple ingredients, but the results are delicious! Plan ahead to allow enough time for prep, so you’re not desperately hungry …
French-Dip Sandwiches
In cooking, as in most all areas of life, the hardest part can be the planning. And before you can plan, you have to have ideas. As much as I love to cook, sometimes I feel “out of ideas”. On these occasions, I ask family members what they’re “hungry for”. Making sure I have pantry staples …