Mexican Soup

I’ve had different versions of “Tortilla Soup”, both thick and thin, that leave me to believe there must be a wide range of recipes for this soup. I’ve never officially made Tortilla Soup. But that doesn’t keep me from adding similar ingredients to a pot, and calling it “Mexican Soup”. That’s an attention getter right …

Taco Sauce

Purchasing canned or bottled sauces…or even seasoning packets to quickly mix up at home, can be quick-n-easy in our busy world, but it can also mean “less healthy” eating. Especially if you’re making a Mexican Chili Sauce; boiling, blending, measuring, stirring and simmering isn’t always an option if time is tight. Well, here is some …


Who else like avocados? In a sandwich, on a salad or perhaps the most popular way to prepare them, in guacamole, avocados are healthy and delicious. Our family’s favorite way to eat avocados is in guacamole and with chips, of course. What a great combo! Guacamole and chips go together like peanut Butter and Jelly, …