Blog, Recipes

Spiced Cider

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love changing decorations around the home to reflect the season that embrace us with a warm welcome as the crisp, chilly air sends us indoors. Although it may not be cool enough for a warming fire yet, warm drinks are welcome. Which makes me happy apple harvest is underway because fresh apple cider is a must-have for this season!

In true spirit of the season my children enjoy reciting a limerick about apple cider:

There was an enchanting young bride, who at many green apples and died.
The apples fermented inside the lamented, and made cider inside her inside.

Speaking of cider, have you ever made your own hot spiced cider? Here’s my favorite, easy way to turn it into a tasty hot beverage… perfect for the brisk fall weather.
Plus, there’s an extra benefit to making this spiced cider beverage. Your home will smell terrific! It’s not the same aroma as pumpkin pie spice… but it’s a lovely aroma all its own as the clove studded orange bakes away in the oven releasing its flavors into the simmering cider.

1 gallon of apple cider, or apple juice
1 orange
Whole cloves
2-3 cinnamon sticks
Press whole cloves into an orange, placing them about ½ an inch apart, until the orange is well studded.Place the orange in a greased baking dish and bake at 350°F for 30 minutes.

Remove orange from the oven and pierce rind in several places with a fork. This will allow the flavorful juices inside the orange to seep into your cider.

Place the orange into a large pot on the stove. Pour in the apple cider or apple juice and add cinnamon sticks.

Over medium heat bring the cider to a simmer and keep it there at least 30 minutes.

Ladle into cups or mugs and serve hot.

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